Key Points To Think About In Your Horses Supplemental Nutrition

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Key Points To Think About In Your Horses Supplemental Nutrition

5 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Raising and breeding horses requires time, attention, and research. You need to know what environment is the best for your horses to thrive. In addition, you need to know what food is the best. Above all, however, you need to know what supplements are best for the horse breed and age, especially if you are breeding them. Here are a few key points to think about when considering equine supplements for breeders

Skin and Coat

The horse's skin and coat are vital parts of the animal's overall health. If the coat has issues, such as dandruff, itchy skin, and scaling, then it can affect their overall daily activities. For example, if an animal is experiencing an eczema-related reaction, they may be stressed. The stress can lead to agitation which can result in the animal not wanting to run or even eat properly. With healthy skin and a healthy coat, the horse can participate in their daily living. They can run and perform activities that help with their heart health and with maintaining their fitness. These things are vital if you are a breeder where the health of the breeding animals is crucial for strong and healthy offspring.  


Hydration may not be an aspect of your horse's health that you think of when you consider supplements. The hydration of your horse should not be limited to whether or not they are drinking water. It should be expanded to how much water they are drinking as well as the water's purity. Some of the supplements on the market can help your horse maintain the hydration they intake into their bodies. Some other supplements can also ensure that the water they are drinking is pure and free of parasites or bacteria. You can also find hydration related supplements that can help give your horse more of the vitamins and minerals they need while they are drinking their daily water amount. These are all aspects of hydration to consider when breeding your horses. 

Joint Health

The horse's joint health can affect several aspects of the breeding process. Their joints need to not only hold up and be healthy during the breeding process, but they also need to be healthy during a horse's pregnancy and delivery. To help increase joint health, look for supplements that contain CoQ10. These can be purchased as a separate supplement or can be included with other horse and equine supplements for horse breeders that are already being used in the daily diet and nutrition plan. For specific amounts of necessary CoQ10 levels for your particular breed, consult with your veterinarian. 

These are just a few of the key points to consider when you are buying horse supplements for breeders. If you are ready to purchase your supplements, contact your local farming and pet supply providers. They can help you with your order and with creating auto-shipments and auto-billing if you choose those options.